Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Race Conflict in “Remember the Titans” Essay

In the movie Remember the Titans Gerry and Julius worked to overcome racial issues and eventually resolved their unnecessary conflict. They came to develop an amazing friendship built on trust and respect. They eventually learned to appreciate the meaning of trusting a man for who they are as a person rather than the color of their skin. Early in the movie Gerry and Julius would not acknowledge one another, they were like enemies. When they looked at each other it was with both hatred and fear. They both lived their own separate lives, with their own race, and refused to interact with the other. If they communicated in a civil manner with the other race it was like committing an awful sin. They treated each other with such ignorance and hatred. They couldn’t stand each another and hated the way the other one acted. The majority of the time they approached their conflict with avoidance. Avoidance can be characterized as, â€Å"denial of the conflict, changing and avoiding topics, being noncommittal, and joking rather than dealing with the conflict at hand† (pg. 138). They did not want to work out their differences. Instead they chose to avoid the topic and not deal with the fact that they were of a different race. When both Gerry and Julius found out that they were going to be on the same football team they didn’t want to consider the possibility. They were both so narrow-minded and stubborn which resulted in neither seeing the other side of things. It seemed impossible for these two players to become friends  and forget about their racism. As they matured as adults and closer they became, the more they forgot about their differences and the more they defended their friendship. They were too determined to let their teammates hold them back. They would turn out to be great friends and role models for their team and the community. Much of the difference was overcome by dialogue. At first they had very little but over time they were able to grow together. â€Å"Dialogue differs from usual conversation because although you may dislike what the other person advocates, you still listen and work to value the person† (pg. 232). Their dislikes turned into likes and their unusual conversation turned into intimate conversation. When Gerry and Julius considered themselves brothers they realized how much they meant to each other and they were so honored and proud to be a true friend to each other. This was unthinkable, but the problem was that if they wanted to play football they had to overcome these hurdles, therefore not leaving them a lot of choices. On camp they would spend days together but neither of them made an effort to get along. Their friendship was so secure and they were so pleased that they had learned to overcome the racial issues and spent the time to get to know each other. They both still acted as if they were better than other and they weren’t going to attempt to change this. If something went wrong they would blame each other, or disagree, and always end up fighting and usually about different things. Their friendship evolved into healthy, yet competitive, camaraderie. â€Å"The competitive style of managing conflict is productive if one competes to accomplish individual goals without destroying the other person† (pg 145). That is why I say Gerry and Julius maintained a healthy sense of camaraderie. They had developed such a bond that they did not intend to harm the other. They actually fed off of the other as they matured and developed their skill on the field. By observing the friendship emerging between Gerry and Julius other people began to realize that having friends of a different race was not wrong. This also made Gerry and Julius’s friendship grow even stronger as they made a huge impact on the community. They understood each other and created a bond that would never be broken. Their hatred and disregard for the other due to race changed throughout the movie. They eventually grew into, what is described by Wilmot and Hocker as, a coalition (pg 189). The coalition that they created helped the remainder of the team and the community understand differences. References Hocker, J. & Wilmot, W. (2007) _Interpersonal Conflict_. New York: McGraw Hill.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Living on A Minimum Wage

Barbara Ehrenreich is a writer and journalist who decided to conduct an experiment and find out for herself what it is like to live on the minimum wage. For one month at a time she entered various communities, taking on minimum wage positions and trying to stay ahead. Ehrenreich detailed her experience in the book Nickel and Dimed. This books offers insight into the real lives and struggles of these people, showing just how difficult life is for them. As well as this, it is a striking account of how the lower class are treated by their employers and by people in general. The first thing that was immediately noticeable in the book was just how hard it was for people on the minimum wage just to achieve the basics of having food and shelter. Ehrenreich started the experiment in Key West and was not planning to live an extravagant life at all. Her plan was to find a job that would pay $7 an hour and a place to rent at a low enough price that she could afford food and gas. Ehrenreich's plan is to live in a trailer home. However, she soon finds that even a trailer home comes at a rent that is too high. Ehrenreich describes this realization saying that â€Å"it is a shock to realize that ‘trailer trash' has become, for me, a demographic category to aspire to† (Ehrenreich p. 12). This was surprising and shocking to read and changed my opinion about conditions for people on the minimum wage. I had considered that people living in trailer homes were struggling, but had never considered that they were struggling to the extent that just affording a trailer home would be so difficult. I also assumed that people living on minimum wage would be able to at least afford basic items such as food and shelter, even if they were not able to afford luxuries. This immediately opened my eyes to just how much people struggle just to get the basic essentials. This same problem is revealed again later in the book where Ehrenreich experiences the same thing in different towns. At one point, she is working two jobs and working seven days a week. Even then, she is only just able to supply herself with the basics. Ehrenreich also offers an opinion on the housing problem where she states that the high rent is a problem in all places â€Å"where tourists and the wealthy compete for living space with the people who clean their toilets and fry their food† (Ehrenreich 12). This suggests that the minimum wage earners are pushed out of decent accommodation by the people who are better off. The higher wage earners can afford higher rent and so rents go as high as these people can afford. Ehrenreich's reference to the wealthy though, doesn't seem to refer to those that would typically be considered wealthy. Instead, the wealthy are labeled from the point of view of someone who is on minimum wage. The wealthy then are really the skilled workers who are by no means rich, but are rich enough to afford to live reasonably well and at least manage to meet their basic needs and achieve a basic living standard. This strongly suggests that there is a major problem in society, since it seems absurd to think that you have to be wealthy just to have enough to have a decent place to live and be able to eat. This is a basic right that every person should have and it seems wrong that it is not available to everyone. It seems especially wrong that it is not available to a person working as hard and as many hours as Ehrenreich does. Ehrenreich also provides further analysis of the problem. As she sees it, there is a supply and demand issue at the heart of the problem. Workers need to work, but there are more workers then there are jobs. This gives employers the ability to keep wages current and still have those jobs filled. In fact, this just created more demand for jobs because workers will be looking for two or three jobs. In this situation, there is no need for employers to increase wages so they do not. This results in the wages being fixed. At the same time, there is demand for rental properties, food, and all the other essentials. This demand is not driven by the people on minimum wage, but by the population overall. While the people on minimum wage may not ever be moving forward, the economy overall and the population overall is always moving forward. This means that the cost of everything is always increasing, which includes the cost of food and the cost of rent. The question this raises is how people on minimum wage are ever supposed to catch up. How can they save anything to better themselves or improve their situation if every cent they earn is spent just trying to live? And if they cannot move ahead but everything else keeps moving ahead, what other option is there but for the people to fall further and further behind? This suggests that the conditions will continue to worsen. People on minimum wage will have to work more jobs and longer hours and will be able to do less and less with that money. In the book, Ehrenreich shows that she came very close to having to live in a shelter. It seems that life will only become harder and this downhill spiral may be the only direction that life can go for people on the bottom levels. Another important point in the book relates to how Ehrenreich is treated. From her first attempts to get a job, there is always the sense that she is being looked down upon by others. The job application processes seem uncaring at best and often humiliating. The working conditions seem just as bad. And for the customers that she serves in her roles, it seems like she is treated as barely human. The only real kindness or consideration she receives is from people in the same position as her. For employers and the public, she is either not noticed at all or seen as inferior and not deserving better treatment. For the public, I think this is something that happens naturally, rather than something is done out of cruelty. As long as someone is in a job and performing a job task, they tend to be though of as existing to perform that task. This applies to all positions, whether it be minimum wage or not. For example, it is natural to think of doctors and dentists in terms of the jobs they perform and not to consider them as people. For this point then, I don't think that the book shows a special disregard for minimum wage earners. Instead, it is more like there is just a lack of awareness about these people. In the end though, I don't think it is up to the public to show regard for minimum wage earners or any other type of worker. Instead, it should be up to the employer to treat all employees fairly. As noted though, there is no requirement for companies to do so. And the companies are always thinking of employees as a cost and not considering their personal needs. What can be done about the problem them? Ehrenreich does not provide an answer and there is no clear solution. However, just noticing that there is a problem to be solved is a good start. The book also shows power issues between employers and employers. Ehrenreich suggests that employers are keen to maintain their power over employees, including making it clear that employees should not join unions. During the interview process, Ehrenreich has to answer questions about whether she has children that would interfere with her ability to get to work and whether she thinks safety is the responsibility of management. Ehrenreich also describes trick questions asking about things like the amount of stolen goods purchased per year and the attitude on drugs. It seems clear that the interview process is created with the belief that the person will be a problematic employee. They might injure themselves and expect management to care. They might be late for work because of their children. They might be on drugs or steal from the company. The situation does not get any better when Ehrenreich gets a job, with her boss then constantly watching her for signs of drug abuse, stealing, or any other form of rule breaking. The situation that Ehrenreich describes is one where the employer has complete power. Despite all the laws on equal opportunity, it seems that employers can discriminate and choose not to employ someone who has children. Despite the law protecting the safety of workers, it seems that employers can ignore their duty of protecting employees. Overall, it seems that employees have no rights at all and no power at all. The companies can make demands and the employee's situation gives them no choice but to accept the demands. The power issues also seem to be increased by the view that the employers have of the employees. They seem to expect employees to be drug abusers, to be likely to steal, and to be barely intelligent or capable enough to perform basic duties. It is this attitude that has minimum wage earners like Ehrenreich being looked down on and treated with no respect. As Ehrenreich notes several times, minimum wage earners are seen as nothing more than people who have no choice but to do the jobs that are above everyone else. What can be done about this problem? Ehrenreich does not provide any answers to this questions. However, what she does do is make it clear that there is a very real problem. After reading the book, the daily battle of minimum wage earners becomes disturbingly clear. It is even more concerning when is it considered that Ehrenreich has trouble surviving as a minimum wage earner even though she has a lot more going for her than most, including that she only has herself to support. If Ehrenreich can't do it, it seems clear that nobody can. The end result of the book is the realization that there is a major problem in society that needs to be fixed. This is what the makes the book powerful, with Ehrenreich's account of her struggle able to open people's eyes to the world that they either couldn't see or didn't want to see.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Management

Business Management Essay Task: Choose a company and identify all motivational (employee-centered) programs that the company has in place. Then ascertain the significance and objectives of these programs. Next provide a critique of these programs. Finally, recommend changes that will improve on the programs and/or new programs that will better meet the objectives articulated above. Overview: The company that I have chosen as the subject of my research is the AAA Travel Agency. More specifically, I have interviewed several travel agents from the Reno, Pennsylvania location, which serves patrons from Western Pennsylvania as well as West Virginia. The bulk of the information for my analysis has come directly from the in-office interviews with Ms. Tiffany Pacior, the senior travel agent for the Reno office. She has provided me with information directly out of the AAA employee handbook as well as personal information covering the positive and negative effects she has experienced from the programs I will be discussing. There can be little doubt that the backbone of every successful business or company is its staff of employees. Employees are the vital parts of the business machine that can aid in its success or contribute to its failure. It is for this reason that it is imperative to possess the ability to acquire and maintain effective employees. The chief method by which a business or company can accomplish this task is through employee-centered motivational programs. The goal of these programs is to encourage employees to maximize their performance by targeting three specific motivational stimuli. These include morale, satisfaction, and rewards. After researching their policies and interviewing employees, I have came to the conclusion that AAA of Reno, Pennsylvania has adopted Fredrick Taylors approach to motivating their employees. In this paper I will demonstrate how AAA applies Taylors scientific management approach to target the three motivational stimuli stated above. I will also provide some insight from the employees perspective as to how effective the programs are at what they are designed to achieve. The scientific management approach to motivation evolved from the work of Frederick Taylor. He believed that when highly productive people discover they are being compensated basically the same as less productive people, then the output of highly productive people will decrease. Consequently, the scientific management approach to motivation is based on the assumption that money is the primary motivator. This seems to be the ideology that AAA has adopted to produce high morale, achieve satisfaction, and reward their employees. Morale, as it applies here, may be defined as the overall feeling of the members of an organization. Generally speaking, a company with a high morale among its employees enjoys above average performance and a lower than average employee termination rate. AAA has several programs in practice, which support the scientific management approach to motivation to produce high morale. First, it is not uncommon for a travel agent to work beyond the scheduled forty-hour workday to complete the tasks of a heavy business day. It was for this reason that the company offers overtime compensation for the dedication of their employees. The company pays one and a half times their regular hourly rate of pay when an agent works more than their scheduled hours per week. Also, for those individual days when an agent works more than ten hours per day, they are entitled to overtime dinner pay. The employees stressed that this is a worthwhile program because it allows overtime workers to order dinner from local delivery shops. The objective here is simple, no one likes to work on an empty stomach and so why not use a little give and take to make the employees feel like they are not being taken advantage of. It has proven to be effective from the opinions of the employees I interviewed. The final program I was made aware of designed to bolster company morale is the paid time off program. This allows employees to take time off from their work for various reasons and to be regularly paid as if they were working for that period of time. Acceptable reasons for this privilege cover a wide spectrum including personal vacation, minor illness, funeral leave, jury duty, holidays, military leave, and marriage. READ: Business Law and Ethics : Physicians and Professio Essay Ms. Pacior explained that although these programs .

Functions of Input Controls Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Functions of Input Controls - Assignment Example The main significance of these controls is that they are easy to manage: with input controls, database administrators are required to possess only specific skills to manage the outsourced data. The minimum knowledge of database administrators allows for flexibility, especially in the evolving nature of computer technology; higher turnover of employees; and outsourcing of data input (Lee, Chen, & Ilie, 2012). In light of these reasons, it behoves system administrators to make the system free from unnecessary data as much as possible by going the input control way. Types of input controls File input controls allow users to attach specific documents from the personal computer; for example, an outsourced data-entry may be achieved by enabling the user to select and upload copies of his or her personal documents during application for a job. Such documents may include; curriculum vitae, passport size photo etcetera. File input controls often support different file formats such as .doc, .jpeg, and .pdf, among others. A checkbox is a small box that enables end-users to check or uncheck predefined options by ticking the values they want by clicking the mouse (Lee, Chen, & Ilie, 2012). A checkbox allows the user to send the value that is attached to it, as the right choice. Radio buttons are selected by a mouse click on the widget, or by striking a keyboard shortcut to this effect, in which case, the checked button relays the value to the database, when the form is submitted. Submit input control enables users to send the correct form after filling an HTML form of structure d query variables. In most cases, a â€Å"submit† button is found at the end of the query variables, and usually after the use of the other input controls. Transcription errors Input controls are very important in data-entry because they limit data entry integrity errors. Failure to use input controls could open a floodgate to transcription errors. A transcription error is a particular type of data entry error that is usually made by end-users (Murray, & Haubl, 2011). Human transcription errors are usually caused by typographical faults: that is, typing incorrect characters during touch typing. Input controls, oftentimes limit data transcription errors resulting from improper entries; for example, the typing of â€Å"1th,† rather than â€Å"1st† in outsourced data-entry. In this case, datetime input control or number input control, would easily eliminate the chances of the transcription error and eases the work of database administrators, sorting and checking th e data for any inconsistency. Advantages and disadvantages of restricting user interfaces The rapid development of new technologies in the twenty-first century has resulted in the growth of human-machine interactions. Tech-savvy developers are usually guilty of creating user interfaces that are largely restricted and difficult to comprehend and use, assuming that machine operators can think and use them as they do (Hearst, 2011). They are usually quite ignorant of the extent of prior understanding of the user, which according to them seems to be easily discerned on the monitor, and are incapable of being aware of the needs of users, who do not have enough technological knowhow. This is often compounded by the lack of incorporating the user contributions or the lack of human

Sunday, July 28, 2019

3.Case Study Transformation at the Universal Manufacturers Group Coursework

3.Case Study Transformation at the Universal Manufacturers Group - Coursework Example The merger is expected to place the group at the same caliber with other competitive companies. The management hopes to reap the benefit accrued with economies of scale. Max Weber expounded on the classical theory and emphasized that there was no need of organization diversifying (Powell, 2003, p.42). In his line of thought, an organization can be successful so long as there are clear lines of authority and control. Weber gave credit on the importance of division of labor. Division of labor will enhance an organization productivity and cut-off some expenses. This however will result to the transformation of the entire human resource. The director of human resource director Mrs. Smithers is faced with challenges on how to transform the current human resource functions while still remain in focus with the organization’s vision, mission, goals, and objectives. UMG is facing two key problems in its human resource transformation. Since it wants to merge the three companies into one based in the newly located headquarter in Reading, England, human resource that was available will have to be downsized. The retrenchment of some employees will be the only way out in ensuring that UMG gets value for its resources. However, retrenchment of the employees should be done on a fair ground. Perhaps the best way to go about would be Mrs. Smithers sending circular to each department on the issue of downsizing, so that who are willing voluntarily to resign can be given the chance. Torrington, and Hall (1998, p.76), argued that proper procedures should always be in place on how to layoff, employees who voluntarily resigned and those who will be â€Å"forced† to resign. This is because if employees are not taken care during the retrenchment period this might have a negative reputation of an organization. Frederick Herzberg’s motivation-hygien e theory identifies job security as one of hygiene factor that will motivated the employees. Frederick

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Inovations in Automotive Electronics Research Paper

Inovations in Automotive Electronics - Research Paper Example Other remarkable developments have been the GPS, all-wheel drive, and airbags among others. No doubt, man has made revolutionary innovation over the past decades that have made life easier, convenient, and better. For instance, the automobiles industry has made some amazing progress following their invention in the early 19th century. One of the key factors that have helped automobiles give more security and accommodation, however, is automobile electronics. Automotive electronics are systems found in the vehicle and generated electronically. Such systems include telematics and entertainment systems among other structures. These systems are so many and thus grouped into several categories with regard to their functions, namely, entertainment systems, active safety, driver assistance, engine electronics, passenger comfort, chassis electronics, and transmission electronics. With the advances in electronics innovation, auto producers have possessed the capacity to offer a broad mixture of administrations and accommodations that numerous new car proprietors appreciate (Mitchel l, Borroni-Bird, & Burns, 2010). Automobile electronics have been applied to various car improvements such as the Electronic Fuel Injection to the well-known Global Positioning System (Craughwell, 2012). Driving is more fun and safer than it used to be a hundred years ago since the invention of the automobile. This paper outlines some of the developments that have enhanced the use of automobiles. One of the best developments in automobile electronics innovation is the Electronic Fuel Injection/infusion or EFI for short. This gadget takes the spot of the ordinary carburetor that has been in use since the invention of the motor. The employment of the carburetor was regularly the piece of the motor that serves to dissipate fuel so that it blends with the air for burning. This gives energy to the barrels that help the motor work. A gliding gadget inside of

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Tutankhamens Curse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Tutankhamens Curse - Essay Example Numerous scholars became interested in this case and started searching for rational explanation of the phenomenon. And here, too, various theories have emerged. One of the most likely theories suggested by many scientists as a result of scrutinous researches is that the key role in deaths was played by the environment of the burial chamber that actually affected health of those who entered the newly unlocked tomb. This theory originates in the first half of the 20th century when it was also supported by Sir Arthur Conan Dole who considered the fungi to have been put into the tomb deliberately to punish robbers. In 1986, Dr. Caroline Stenger-Phillip suggested that it was an ancient mould existing in the tomb. Modern researches prove that there are indeed specimens of pathogenic moulds and bacteria that can cause allergic reactions varying from congestion to bleeding in lungs. An Egyptologist from Philadelphia, food placed into the tombs intended for afterlife, could have attracted ins ects, moulds and bacteria. On the other hand, this theory has its flaws as if all entering the tomb were exposed to the deadly fungi, they probably would have died much sooner that many months and years later. The theory that appears to be more plausible was offered by Mark Nelson in 2002 and involves statistical methods as a basis for the explanation. According to the theory, average life expectancy of those members of the expedition who were exposed to the curse and those who were not differs little.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Best Practices in the Workplace Communication Essay

Best Practices in the Workplace Communication - Essay Example   The use of effective communication can also aid in causing one to be able to successfully communicate the more difficult or negative messages without tending to destroy the existing trust or create any form of conflict. Of note is that effective communication essentially combines a set of several skills seen to variously include attentive listening, the non-verbal communication accompanying a message, the innate ability for one to be able to successfully manage stress at the particular moment of receipt, sending or processing of the information and the general capacity for one to be able to effectively recognize and understand not only one’s own projected emotions, but also those that happen to be affecting or be projected by the person with whom one is communicating with. While all these skills are seen to be of great importance in aiding us in our ability to better understanding of a given situation or person, building up good levels of respect and trust and successfully create an enabling environment where the various generated creative ideas, affection, caring and problem solving can be able to flourish successfully, it is important to note that good listening skills can be perceived to perhaps be the greatest skill that one should ensure that they cultivate. According to West and Turner (2010), listening has variously been referred to as being a twenty-first century skill primarily due to the fact that listening is now perceived to have greater importance as compared to the degree of importance attributed to it in the past. Of note is that the various new technologies and modern changes in the manner in which business practices are conducted has served to greatly change the person.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Social networking - Essay Example The particular study would be evaluated by referring to a variety of its characteristics, such as structure and content/ evidence. Also, the contribution of the study, for understanding the potential implications of social networking sites could be explored. Hak has divided the study into thematic sections, so that all aspects of the issues under discussion are covered. In this context, Introduction is used for explaining to the reader the paper’s key points and objectives. Then, two sections have been used for presenting the findings of the literature in regard to the study’s subject: the first section, entitled as ‘Social Media Networking’ (Hak 2012, p.12) shows the structure and role of social networking sites, as these issues have been analyzed in the literature. The second section, entitled as ‘Security Risks and Trust Zones’(Hak 2012, p.14) explains the security issues involved in the use of social networking sites and describes the struc ture of Security Trust Zones, as tools for protecting the privacy of these sites’ users. At the next level, Hak refers to the ‘Analytic Hierarchy Process’ (Hak 2012, p.15), a tool developed by ‘Saaty in 1970s’ (Hak 2012, p.15). The potential use of this tool for assessing the security risks of social networking sites is analytically explained (Hak 2012, p.15-16). ... Literature is used for showing the various aspects of study’s subject. It should be noted that the literature chosen is recent; mostly studies of 2010 and 2011 have been used, reflecting the actual status of social networking sites as tools for communication. Moreover, academic journals have been preferred, instead of books, aiming to use, as possible, empirical evidence for supporting the assumptions made. Also, a methodology is suggested for facing a key problem in regard to social networking sites: the assessment of security risks related to these sites. In addition, graphs and tables are used, where appropriate, for making the explanations given clearer. In other words, Hak has covered successfully both the theoretical and practical aspects of the issues under discussion. At this point the following issue should be discussed: which is the value of the study of Hak in regard to the understanding of risks related to social networking sites? At a first level, the study of Hak shows that social networking sites can be related to risks, especially security risks. These risks are analytically explained using appropriate literature, so that no doubts can exist in regard to the security implications of social networking sites. Then, the structure of social media networking is explained, so that the users of social networking sites are aware of the potential security gaps involved. The use of graphs, as possible, increases the value of the study of Hak in presenting the security risks of social media networking. Also, the study of Hak provides a methodology for assessing the security risks related to social networking sites. This methodology is based on a model that was first introduced in 1970s but which was never used, up today, for assessing the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Global warming Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global warming - Speech or Presentation Example Pollution refers to any foreign material that is discharged into water, air or land. These materials either have acute or chronic effects on the environment. The pollutants discharged into air lead to global warming. Some of the pollutants include Carbon IV oxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorinated gases among others (Faust, 2008, p51). The greenhouse effect is the leading factor that leads to global warming. The Greenhouse effect, as it is commonly known, refers to the consequences of the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (Faust, 2008, p79). Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation from sunlight and in the process trap heat in the atmosphere. The production of greenhouse has increased in the recent past and this attributable to the pace of modernization. Fossil fuels are still being used in factories and vehicles, in spite being in the 21st century fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels increases the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere (Faust, 2008, p83). The increase in the percentage of Carbon (IV) Oxide leads to increased global warming. The sun emits ultraviolet radiation and the ozone layer shields us from this radiation. The layer is made up of Ozone (O3), which is very rare compared to other gases in the atmosphere (Faust, 2008, p21). Studies have found that increase global warming reduces the potency of the ozone layer of absorbing UV radiation. Global warming slowly increases the temperature of the Earth’s surface; thereby leading to a cold stratosphere. Reduced temperatures lead to the slower repairing of the layer exposing humans to dangerous UV radiation. This radiation causes cancer in both humans and animals (Faust, 2008, p34). Global warming has adverse effects that are hard to ignore. Furthermore, scientists forecast a bleak future for the human race if global warming is not reduced. Reducing the emission of greenhouse gases reduces global warming (Faust, 2008, p84). The

Community College Essay Example for Free

Community College Essay Community college is made up of an atmosphere of many di? erent categories. We have your tradi? onal, untradi? onal, veterans, and single parents. Some are there to transfer and some to get an associate’s degree while one of the biggest reasons is because they simply cannot a? ord the university price. â€Å"John Holt† (Three Kinds of Discipline) is very compliable with the categories in a community college. You need a great deal of discipline to succeed here reality sets in and if you are not disciplined then you will fail out and waste a lot of money. You  will always make mistakes while being here but learning from those mistakes is what will make you a be*er student. While you a*end you will create a lot of friendships and several kinds of them. â€Å"Judith Viorst† (Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good Friends) you will have your convenience friends, your historical friends, opposite sex friends, and in? mate friends. Your tradi? onal students are the students that a*end college right a/er they get out of high school or are under the age of 25. untradi? onal students are your students that are above the age of 25 and are a*ending college to move up in their job or just wan? ng a career the  needs a type of degree so they go to school. Veterans are a*ending the school to become a higher rank in the military or because they are searching for a new career a/er they 3nish there term. There are also single parents that work a full ? me who a*end the school at night while there kids are at a babysi*ers house or with a friend they go to be promoted in their job the job sends them to get a degree or they could be a young parent who needs to get credits so that they can get a good job to provide for their family. To be disciplined at college could poten? ally be the most important aspect to be a successful student. The reality sets in and students quickly realize they need to discipline themselves to study, do homework, and write essays. Discipline of a superior force is another way students can succeed as well. This may help because fear of disappoin? ng an instructor or a parent. A lot of friends will be made as you a*end college you will have di? erent groups of friends as well. You will have your convenience friends who you see as you are wai? ng in between classes and small talk about li*le things some of them you get along with and talk every day and others you’ll talk with once a week and possibly never even get their name. You  have your historical friends who you have grown up with since elementary school and can talk about anything with these are the friends you hand out with out of school with you go out to par? es with, watch spor? ng events and 7at out just hang out with. You meet some friends that are the opposite sex as you these are the ones who you may try a li*le too hard to impress or you might get along great with them great you may even become in? mate friends which is being in a rela? onship with them you could even possibly marry them. These are the categories that make up the atmosphere of community college and the kinds of students that make it up.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Stop Playing the Blame Game Essay Example for Free

Stop Playing the Blame Game Essay Growing up children love to eat at McDonalds, Burger King, or their local pizza place. The fast food industry offers prepackaged, unhealthy foods that are marketed through advertisements and media as a kid friendly quick breakfast, lunch or dinner. Many blame obesity in children and young adults in the easy access to fast food. Is it fair to suggest that the numerous fast food places that are available are the leading factor in the increase of obesity amongst children? There are other factors that should be considered such as parents, lack of exercise, numerous amounts of hours spent in front of the television. David Zinczenko’s article â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater† supports the hypothesis that the increase in obesity is caused by the easy access, affordable, numerous fast food restaurants that are available. He argues the availability of healthier food options by writing, â€Å"drive down any thoroughfare in America, and I guarantee you’ll see one of our country’s more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants. Now, drive back up the block and try to find someplace to buy a grapefruit† (Zinczenko 392). He utilizes his own personal story being raised by a single mother who worked two jobs and did not have a large amount of income coming in. Zinczenko notes, â€Å"By age 15, I had packed 212 pounds of torpid teenage tallow on my once lanky 5-foot-10 frame† (Zinczenko 392). He listed choices such as, Taco Bell and McDonalds as his daily meal choices due to the lack of healthy choices and alternatives that aligned with his situation as a child. Is extra weight he gained as a child Taco Bell’s fault? To some, this claim could be seen as ridiculous and lacks personal responsibility. Helen Lee reports on a study she performed to argue the hypothesis that local food availability such as fast food, and convenience stores explain the obesity increase and risk among school aged children. Helen Lee performed a study on school aged in children in low income and high income households. Lee utilized different tools and resources to report on children’s BMI and how it changes over time. The study brought attention to some astonishing results. Contrary to Zinczenko’s claim that grocery stores and healthier food choices are limited, Lee’s study finds that, â€Å"poor and minority neighborhoods not only have greater access to fast-food restaurants and convenience stores; they also have access to large-scale grocery stores and full service restaurant’s† (Lee). She also confirms from her research study that, â€Å"food outlet exposure holds no independent relationship to child weight gain† (Lee). Obesity in Children cannot solely be blamed on fast food services. Parents play a leading role in what their children consume. Lee provides relevant factors explaining obesity risk among young children: â€Å"For example, poor self-reported parental health is significantly associated with higher risk of weight gain, suggesting a relationship between parental health and child health. Television viewing is a highly significant predictor of BMI gains over time. For every additional hour per day of television viewing, there is a predicted 1. 5 percentile gain in BMI ranking by the end of fifth grade. Physical activity level is also important: increases in the number of days per week the child engaged in exercise significantly reduced their BMI gains†. (Lee) With this information it is safe to conclude that it is time to stop playing the blame game with your children’s health as well as your own. Take responsibility of your actions and live responsibly so that you may teach others to do the same. Works Cited Lee, Helen. The Role of Local Food Availability in Explaining Obesity Risk Among Young School-Aged Children. Social Science Medicine 74. 8 (2012): 1193-1203. Social Sciences Full Text (H. W. Wilson). Web. 24 Feb. 2013. Zinczenko, David. Don’t Blame the Eater. They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Readings. Graff, Gerald. Cathy Birkenstein. Russel Durst. New York: Norton, 2012. 391-394. Print.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The poverty trap

The poverty trap SHORT ESSAY Topic: Getting households out of the poverty trap requires a greater focus on the â€Å"demand† side rather than the â€Å"supply† side. Introduction Despite the substantial amount of research undertaken to study the economic growth and development and analyse how it facilitates the poverty reduction, there has not been still one remedy discovered to make poor countries rich. Poverty continues to be the cause of suffering of millions of people around the globe, who are caught in a poverty trap. Azariadis and John Stachurski (2005) define the poverty trap as â€Å"any self-reinforcing mechanism which causespoverty to persist†. Those mechanisms causing poverty to persist can include, for instance, limited access to education, inadequate nutrition, lack of public health care, limited access to credit and capital markets, inefficient governance, social instability and poor infrastructure. We can use one of the listed mechanisms to illustrate the emergence of the poverty trap. Limited access to education leads to an increased level of illiteracy among the poor, which further determines the niche the poor can take in the labour m arket. Being uneducated, the poor is restricted to perform unskilled labour, which does not pay high wages and brings the poor’s income level down. Income deprivation subsequently leads to inadequate nutrition, limited access to education, etc. That is the trajectory poor households follow towards falling into the poverty trap. What are the ways to get households out of the poverty trap? There are two types of policies, â€Å"supply† and â€Å"demand† side policy interventions, which are applied to break the poverty trap. â€Å"Supply† side policies aim to directly provide services to the poor that may focus among other spheres of concern on education, health, or infrastructure, whereas the â€Å"demand† side policy proponents argue that first poor should demand these services, otherwise they are going to be ineffective. The author of this essay shares the latter point of view as well. Evidence suggests that enabling poor people to participate in determining services they need, their quality and quantity is critical in ensuring policy intervention’s success. To guarantee sustainability of the results there should be social accountability in place, which allows poor people to hold the government accountable for the decisions and choices it makes for the poor. We also build our argument based on a country example from Bangladesh, where a â€Å"demand† side financing intervention has outperformed a â€Å"supply† side financing intervention in the healthcare sector. Hence, this essay aims to argue that getting households out of the poverty trap requires a greater focus on the â€Å"demand† side rather than the â€Å"supply† side. Voices of the Poor Mani et al (2013) argue that being preoccupied with pressing financial concerns the poor have fewer cognitive resources to guide their choice and action; therefore, they are unable to take informed decisions due to their poor mental capabilities. Thus, taking this fact into consideration â€Å"supply† side policies are designed to help the poor to get out of poverty without hearing their voices. It is believed that the government can decide better what is needed to get the poor out of the poverty trap on poor people’s behalf. However, according to the World Development Report (2004), â€Å"public services often fail people – in access, quantity, and quality†. The report emphasizes that the main reason of the failed efforts of the developing countries to make services work for the poor is the extent to which poor people themselves are engaged in determining the quality and the quantity of the services which they are entitled to. Services can work better if â€Å"poor people are put at the centre of service provision by enabling them to monitor and discipline services providers by strengthening their voice in policymaking and by reinforcing the incentives for providers to serve the poor† (World Development Report, 2004). However, the â€Å"supply† side proponents will argue that a well-targeted strategy of the â€Å"supply† side performance incentives could on its own be enough to achieve the desired outcomes, for instance, drawing upon an example from Nicaragua where a conditional cash transfer program showed â€Å"significant improvements in immunizations, growth monitoring, and reductions in stunting† (Regalà ­a, F. and Castro, L., 2009). Upon completion of the program an evaluation was conducted to identify the impact the combined â€Å"supply† and â€Å"demand† side intervention had. The evaluation showed that combining â€Å"supply† and â€Å"demand† side policies can significantly increase the use of health services among poor households and improve health outcomes. Furthermore, the evaluation aimed to assess the impact â€Å"demand† side incentives alone played in this intervention. For this purpose, an evaluation about ten months after â€Å"demand† side incentives had been stopped in certain areas was conducted, and it revealed that take-up rates for preventive health care services still remained high. The evaluation explained this result by the possibility that the program strategy dramatically improved provider outreach activities during the initial stage of implementation and thus the access of poor households to health services, reducing the costs of time and travel to reach healthcare service delivery points was also improved. It is possible, therefore, that a well-targeted strategy of â€Å"supply† side performance incentives could, on its own, be enough to achieve and maintain high levels of health care service use among poor rural populations in Nicaragua (Regalà ­a, F. and Castro, L., 2009). Although this example shows that â€Å"supply† side policies on their own can be efficient in helping the poor to get better access to health care services, we need to bear in mind that this is only one example and, therefore, it cannot be representative of all â€Å"supply† side policy interventions. It is also stressed by the evaluation that the success of the program might be because provider outreach activities were improved; thus, we question here that should â€Å"demand† side incentives, such as incentives for health providers to develop efficient plans to expand coverage rapidly in underserved areas, were not there from the beginning of the program the outcome of the program could have been less successful. Sustainability and Social Accountability Designing policy interventions based solely on the â€Å"supply† side approach ensures less sustainability. When the poor are not knowledgeable enough about the policy intervention and, therefore, less concerned about maintaining the results of the policy once it is completed, the intervention will have a short-term impact. This is one of the concerns often raised by aid agencies (International Labour Organization, 2001). A policy intervention is regarded as sustainable in case it carries on indeterminately with no further donor involvement or support, whether it be financial or otherwise. With a greater focus on the â€Å"demand† side, this concern is more likely to be addressed. In particularly, focusing policies on capacity building of the poor in terms of educating them about their rights, public services they are entitled to receive, the role they can play in improving their livelihood, providing more information about the stakeholders involved in policy design and implementation, etc., can be conducive to poverty reduction and, hence, to sustainable development. For instance, Economic Development Institute (1996) suggests that non-governmental organizations can assist the poor to identify their needs and identify their priorities. These measures will build poor people’s capacity to demand services they need and hold policymakers accountable for their actions and policy choices. In other words, this will strengthen social accountability that relies on civil engagement, i.e. in which â€Å"the poor can participate directly or indirectly in exacting accountability† (World Bank, 2004). This mechanism can function only through the demand side approach as it operates from the bottom-up (World Bank, 2004). It can be though argued that poor people caught in the poverty trap will be less concerned about social accountability when, for instance, they lack basic access to nutrition and clean water in the first place. Therefore, it is inefficient to consider developing soft skills of the poor until they have basic infrastructure, which would allow them to sustain their living and only then they can take a next step to improving their capacity and benefiting from social accountability. Poor people need immediate help today. Building capacity of the poor will take longer time to show its results. Additionally, the â€Å"supply† side of governance already uses certain measures such as checks and balances, administrative rules and procedures, auditing requirements, and formal law enforcement mechanisms to tackle the challenge of accountability. Indeed, â€Å"supply† side policies aim to address immediate needs of the poor. However, the intervention can be considered successful if it is sustainable. Relying on the present-bias, i.e. immediate provision of services â€Å"today† rather than investment in developing capacity of the poor for greater results in the longer term, does not guarantee sustainability in the long run. As a result, the poor can only temporary get out of the poverty trap and then again be trapped into poverty once the intervention is completed. Empowering the poor through social accountability enables sustainable development. While the supply based approach is an intervention that is limited to provision of services only and does not spread much beyond to improvement in governance, social accountability serves a multiple purpose and, therefore, has a long-lasting effect. As such, social accountability facilitates improvement in governance, ensures development effectiveness through a more-pro -poor policy design and, lastly, empowers poor people to demand goods and services they need most. As to the accountability measures used by the â€Å"supply† side of governance, evidences suggests that â€Å"these â€Å"top-down† accountability promoting mechanisms have met with only limited success in many countries, both developed and developing† (World Bank, 2004). As a result, social accountability measures described above are preferred. â€Å"Demand† Side Financing Furthermore, having analyzed a number of â€Å"supply† side interventions and behaviors of the poor we can restate that it’s crucial to focus more on the â€Å"demand† side interventions. One of the main sectors covered by the â€Å"supply† side polices is a healthcare sector. Studies show that despite considerable subsidies allocated towards the supply side the access to the health care systems among the poor remains low. To address this drawback new â€Å"demand† side financing mechanisms are introduced (Schmidt, J., Ensor, T., Hossain, A. and Khan, S., 2010). These mechanisms transfer purchasing power to the targeted groups for defined healthcare goods and services. This measure is aimed to increase poor households’ access to specified goods and services. In particularly, such mechanism was applied in Bangladesh, where a maternal voucher scheme was implemented. The scheme provided vouchers to poor women that entitled them to receive skille d care at home or a facility and also provided payments for transport and food (Schmidt, J., Ensor, T., Hossain, A. and Khan, S., 2010). The evaluation of the program suggests that the take-up of vouchers was more rapid when the scheme was implemented through the â€Å"demand† side financing than previously through the â€Å"supply† based financing. Authors of the report describe the earlier implemented scheme through the â€Å"supply† side financing as an â€Å"apparent failure†, when all resources were allocated to the supply side and it was assumed that those with need will be able to access services. While â€Å"supply† side financing schemes can improve their outreach to the poor by constructing hospitals in the remote rural areas or providing funds for transport or transport itself to reach hospitals in cities, and improving service quality, so that people can have easier access to public healthcare services. However, as practice shows that is rather challenging. Gupta, I., Joe, W. and Rudra, S. (2010)state that policymakers in developing countries have come to realize that public health services have not been achieving desired outcomes due to â€Å"a significant lack of efficiency, fairness in service provision and its quality†. Although, the â€Å"demand† side financing can be questioned with regards to the quality of healthcare services left to the providers’ discretion, the â€Å"demand† side interventions are implemented with an assumption that service providers are responsible for the service quality assurance, and if intervention beneficiaries are left to choose from a set of service providers, it is assumed that there is a considerable number of service providers to choose from. However, returning back to the example from Bangladesh we conclude that demand-side financing schemes are more effective based on the available data, which suggests that the rise in the voucher take-up appeared to be more rapid through the â€Å"demand† side financing scheme than through other non-demand side financing (â€Å"supply† side financing) areas. Conclusion In the course of this essay we aimed to emphasize that getting poor households out of the poverty trap requires a greater focus on the â€Å"demand† side interventions rather than the â€Å"supply† side interventions. In particularly, we highlighted the evidence proving this argument through examples of the assumed cognitive poverty of the poor, where practitioners on the contrary bring evidence that those interventions that involve the poor in determining the quantity and quality of services they need prove to be more efficient. We also brought up the idea of social accountability that is critical not only in ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of the poverty alleviation programs, but also in improving governance and maintaining sustainability of the policy outcomes. Finally, we dwelled into a particular example of a policy intervention from Bangladesh, which aimed to provide vouchers to poor women that entitled them to receive skilled care at home or a facility and also provided payments for transport and food. The evaluation of this intervention helped us to analyze the results of both â€Å"demand† side financing and â€Å"supply† side financing. We reconfirmed that evidence from Bangladesh also proves that â€Å"demand† side policies are more effective in reaching the poor and addressing their needs. Bibliography: Azariadis, C. and Stachurski, J. (2005). Poverty Traps,Handbook of Economic Growth. World Bank, (2004).World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Regalà ­a, F. and Castro, L. (2009).Nicaragua: Combining Demand- and Supply-Side Incentives. Washington D.C. Economic Development Institute (1996).The Design and Management of Poverty Reduction Programs and Projects in Anglophone Africa: Proceedings of a Seminar Sponsored Jointly by the Economic Management Institute. Washington D.C. Mani, A. et al (2013). Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function. Science, 341(6149), p. 976-980. International Labour Organization, (2001).Mainstreaming Poverty Alleviation Strategies through Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development. p.14. World Bank, (2004).Social Accountability: An Introduction to the Concept and Emerging Practice. Social Development Papers. Participation and Civic Engagement. Paper No. 76. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Gupta, I., Joe, W. and Rudra, S. (2010).Demand Side Financing in Health: How far can it address the issue of low utilization in developing countries?. World Health Report. Background Paper, 27. Schmidt, J., Ensor, T., Hossain, A. and Khan, S. (2010). Vouchers as demand side financing instruments for health care: A review of the Bangladesh maternal voucher scheme.Health Policy, [online] 96(2), pp.98-107. Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2014].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alienation in Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot Essay -- Waiting for

Alienation in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot    The alienation of humanity from truth, purpose, God, and each other is the theme of Samuel Beckett's play, "Waiting for Godot." The play's cyclical and sparse presentation conveys a feeling of the hopelessness that is an effect of a godless, and therefore, purposeless world. Lack of communication, the cause of man's alienation, is displayed well through absurdist diction, imagery, structure, and point of view. The intent of the play is to evoke a feeling of incompleteness and depression. The conversation between Vladimir and Estragon, the protagonists of "Waiting for Godot," seems to be void of meaning. The play begins with "nothing to be done" and ends with an unfulfilled "Yes, let's go." Suicide was often mentioned and reasoned through in passing, as though their deaths mattered neither to them nor anyone else. Their deaths were barely even recognized by them as a change. They argued about shoes and carrots when Estragon, the representative of materialistic human nature, was concerned about it. They argued about the thief's presence in only one of the gospels and spiritual matters when Vladimir initiated conversation. A minor goal discussed by Vladimir and Estragon was to "pass the time," though they often forgot what day it was, not to mention whom they'd met, where they'd been, and why it ever mattered. Vladimir and Estragon engaged in dialogue with passing travelers Pozzo and Lucky. Lucky's speech was a faultless example of the play's meaning. The outward appear ance of Lucky's words was that he was a fool who once held power over a great vocabulary, but could only toss words together in a confounding miscellany at that time. Just as a deep feeling about the absence... ...keep waiting because Godot promised to come tomorrow. But tomorrow never came. In both Lucky's speech and the play, the characters, reader, and thesis are left unsatisfied. There is no conclusion to Lucky's speech. He simply babbled on until his listeners removed his thinking cap. The play leaves Vladimir and Estragon still waiting. Knowing no god, Beckett sees life as futile and mocks both life and death in his play. Beckett can arouse emotions from his audience by not arranging his play in an emotional way. Absurdist theater is far from the melodramatic tragedies of stereotypical plays. "Waiting for Godot" is antisocial, devoid of superficial meaning, and empty to its core simply because of its blank, forgetful, and meaningless aspects. Yet beneath this clever camouflage is a depth of depression, sprung from a fountain of godless life and non-communication.

Creating Text Essay -- Writing Technology Technological Papers

Creating Text The process of creating â€Å"text† without using technology appeared to be a simple task that would allow the students to be a creator of his or her unique technology free masterpiece. I just had to come up with a creative, natural way to write text instead of using modern technologies that society takes for granted. How hard and restrictive could this assignment be? I soon found out everything would not go exactly as planned. It took me two attempts and failures before I finally achieved some level of success. My first idea came to me while I was getting ready one morning. Why not use hair to create text! It is a natural part of the human body that is constantly growing, natural and indispensable. I could have taken hair, looped and knotted several clumps together to make letters and then placed those letters to spell out text on any surface. The hair would be portable but undoing the formed letters to create newly formed letters would have been time consuming and difficult. I have several friends who cut hair for a living and I could have easily had them give me hair they cut from their customers. I also attempted to ask my sister for her hair; she has dread locks which would have been easier to work with since they are so thick but she didn’t want to part with them for a homework assignment. The more I thought about this idea the more I realized how time consuming and unrealistic it would be. Using hair would be a creative way to develop text but I would need m ass quantities and lots of patience. My second idea came to me when I took a trip to the grocery store. I went to the produce section and circled around the stands looking for some piece of fruit or vegetable that ... the writing process can be revised, edited, and visually reviewed where speech is spur of the moment and final. Traditionalists often resisted writing and viewed the process as unnatural and untrustworthy (Dennis Baron 39). However, speech seems to demand more trust because the individual is exposing themselves to their audience which subjects them to high levels of criticism. Overall, this project has exposed the mechanics and technology involved in the writing process. Up until this point I put little thought or recognition into the process I use so widely on a regular basis. After the amount of time, energy, and thought that went in to my attempt to create â€Å"natural† writing mechanics and tools the frustration isn’t worth what seems to be a small victory. In the end the process of trying to think of something natural to create is unnatural.

Friday, July 19, 2019

World War 2 and the Superpower Nation :: essays research papers

The Second World War gave rise to a multitude of new ideas which changed the course of modern society, the idea which has had the greatest impact on the world as a whole is the concept of the superpower nation. To be a superpower, a nation needs to have a strong economy, an overpowering military, immense international political power, and related to this, a strong national ideology. It was this war (WWII), and its results that spawned the formation of superpowers and lead them to experience such a preponderance of power. To understand how the Second World War impacted birth of superpowers it is important to first understand and examine the causes of the war. The United States gained its strength in world affairs from its status as an economic power and as a heavily industrialized nation. In the years preceding the war and the Great Depression, America was the world's largest producer and arguably had the strongest and most stable economy. In the USSR at the same time, Stalin was implementing his 'five year plans' to modernize the Soviet economy. From these situations, similar foreign policies resulted from widely divergent origins. Roosevelt's isolationism emerged from the wide and prevalent domestic desire to remain neutral in any international conflicts. It was widely believed that America entered the First World War simply in order to save its industry's capitalist investments in Europe. Whether this is the case or not, Roosevelt was forced to work with an inherently isolationist Congress, only expanding its horizons after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He signed the Neutrality Act of 1935, making it illegal for the United States to ship arms to the belligerent governments of any conflict. The act also stated that belligerent nations could buy only non-armaments from the US, and even these were only to be bought with cash. In contrast, Stalin was by necessity interested in European affairs, but only to the point of concern to the USSR. Russian foreign policy was fundamentally Leninist in its concern to keep the USSR out of war. Stalin wanted to consolidate Communist power and modernize the country's industr y. The Soviet Union was committed to collective action for peace, as long as that commitment did not mean that the Soviet Union would take a brunt of a Nazi attack as a result. Examples of this can be seen in the Soviet Unions' attempts to achieve a mutual assistance treaty with Britain and France.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Eating disorders: a problem Essay

Eating disorders are a world-wide problem. There are many types of eating disorders. There are programs out there to help people with eating disorders. With so many types we must understand the differences by looking at each type, how it affects teenagers, and what influence the media has on this issue. Eating disorders come in many different types. One of these is anorexia. Anorexia is a serious disease which causes a severe lack of eating. The proper name is anorexia nervosa.  Anorexia nervosa causes people to lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. Persons with this disorder may have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. They may diet or exercise too much or use other ways to lose weight. Their self-esteem is usually overly related to body image. ( Anorexia nervosa has many warning signs that can tell someone if they have a problem. Someone may refuse to eat certain foods/food categories and deny their hunger all together. A person may develop â€Å"food rituals† in which they arrange foods in a certain way, excessively chew, eat in a certain order, etc†¦ One may withdraw themselves from their friends, family, or society. They may frequently make a comment about being â€Å"fat† or â€Å"overweight† despite their weight loss. ( Another type of eating disorder is bulimia nervosa. Bulimia is an illness in which a person binges on food or has regular episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control. The person then uses different methods — such as vomiting or abusing laxatives — to prevent weight gain. Many (but not all) people with bulimia also have anorexia nervosa. The purging of food usually  brings a sense of relief. ( One form of an eating disorder is binge eating. Binge eating is an eating disorder in which a person eats a much larger amount of food in a shorter period of time than he or she normally would. During binge eating, the person also feels a loss of control. Some causes of binge eating include genes, such as having close relatives who also have an eating disorder. Depression or other emotions, such as feeling upset or stressed. Unhealthy dieting, such as not eating enough nutritious food or skipping meals. ( Some symptoms of binge eating are, eating large amounts of food in a short period, for example, every 2 hours. A person is not able to control overeating, for example is unable to stop eating or control the amount of food. A person may keep eating even when full (gorging) or until uncomfortably full. Sometimes a person feels guilty, disgusted, ashamed, or depressed after eating so much. ( Some treatment can be done for people with a binge eating problem. The goals are to lessen and then be able to stop the bingeing incidents. Be able to get to and stay at a healthy weight. Get treated for any emotional problems, including overcoming feelings and managing situations that trigger binge eating. (

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Would Life Still Be Meaningful in the Absence of an Afterlife?

When people bear about the signifi offerce of their lives, they atomic number 18 more likely concerned as to what charge would their moveions be on Earth if in that location is no specific end to the route that they travel on. Being inherently prone to the populacely, military personnel everlastingly under rail covering fires reward for eachthing that we do in our lives. As children, we almost always seek to excel in trend in order that we nominate nurse the persuasive power to ask our pargonnts for the unalike penny-pinchings that we work laid our eyes on.This is service spell nature, and our nature always invades into our train of thought. What would I get for doing this? would be the collective examination that permeates our minds if we think about the import of our lives. To them, the centre of lookspan is the material end which they consider their individual actions would entitle them to. People seek approximatelything tangible, something that can be felt, in let out the heart of life.Some atomic number 18 likewise driven by their ownings, their negative experiences, in challengeing why they are here. They emergency to know to what purpose consecrate they been innate(p) into this humanness, and why do they take to suffer that way. To them, the centre of life is an answer, a undercoat that testament explain the things that happen to them end-to-end their lives in this macrocosm.I believe that the question about the existence of the afterlife is unwholesome to ones quest to conclusion implication in his existence. Instead of finding the true evaluate of our lives, we are now preoccupied with how we should act in order to attain the afterlife, and inescapably forget about the fact that we should be living as substantively as we could in this field that we have been innate(p) into.People, especially those who have found themselves in suffering and in great ruttish pain, view the afterlife as a form of escape or a greener pasture that they believe awaits them if they p put down their card right in their present lives. However, if we take away that nonion, would life for us gloss over be meaningful to live if on that arcdegree is no clear end to which we could lay our efforts to?II. The True Meaning of LifeFor me, life can still be meaningful despite the apparent absence, or wish of proof thereof, of the afterlife. From my point of view, the afterlife is a figurehead, a symbolic figure, perhaps created by the ancients to address mans question as to the meaning of his life. It is more of an abstract creative thinker earlier than a specific life by itself. I define the afterlife for its simplest meaning to live after we have died, non an exact place that the supposed mind goes to after wipeout. I believe that the idea of going to Heaven by doing good is made especially to cater to mans temporal nature that everything he does should be attached a reward.Obviously, man has been created with a reason. to each one of us has a reason, maybe a mission, in this world that we have been innate(p) into. Unless we ascertain what that is, we obviously cannot find the meaning for our existence here on Earth. We allow continue to ask ourselves why we are still here. But how can we find that answer?Perhaps, the famous adage no man is an island is what Ill consider the most tending(p) and summarized answer to the question of Why are we here? Man exists for the sake of his fellowmen. We are made for the service of each other. That is what man should live for the good of his fellow tender-hearted beings and not himself. Every action that we take should be decided with the well-being of our fellowmen in mind, and not just ourselves.The key to finding meaning to our earthly lives is to produce take away our selfish human nature and buy the farm living for our fellows. Mans suffering in this world is brought about by his earthly trust to preserve his own self, his di scontentment and his trust to hoard all good things in this world for himself.The more material things Man receives, the more he desires, and the more he feels empty because not all things in this world are achievable. Leading such life is meaningless, for there is no point in that life that man can say that his purpose in living has been fulfilled, that he has found his reason for existing. bingle would probably argue that the key to self-realization and happiness is to achieve all that we have longed for, definitely including money. However, that is materialism, and anything material is temporary and empty. The tang is passing, and leads to more emptiness and questions, leading to aroused suffering and discontentment. Like Epicurus said, the wealth demand by vain ideals extends to infinity.I, for one, would not be able to find happiness all the same if I had the power to buy everything that this world could offer and money could buy, because there ordain always be somethin g better than the ones we have. With eternal supply of money perhaps, I would be able to buy those things that I could lay my eyes on. However, I still would not be genial because then I find something I do not have, and provide then long for it again. The member willing go on and on until I find that there is no end to the material wealth that the world offers.When we die, all the material things that we have worked for will not go with us to the grave. materialism is human nature, and like I said, we should cut through human nature if we are to root finding the meaning of life. If I pass along my life entertaining every material and carnal urges that I would find, I would be living in vain because in the end it will all have sex down to nothing.In finding the meaning of life, we should start looking beyond ourselves and start thinking of what is good for the people or so us and ourselves as a whole. This constitutes righteousness, as one does not learn the judge of mor ality without learning to consider what things would be good for him alone, and what things will benefit both him and the people around. When we are morally upright, we will feel a sense of repose and security. For example, an honest man will have nothing to fear from the law than a dishonest despoiler will.People energy say that honesty is actually native because the law has loopholes that can be exploited and bent in ascertaining who is honest from the dishonest, further there is the basic law of morality that we are all governed by. A thief may be able to beat the due process of law to his favor, scarce for the rest of his life he will live in fear that soulfulness will come up with some kind of evidence to implicate him. By then, his life would have been meaningless and without stay, fagged in fear of the justice that he has evaded. The measure allotted for him to exist in Earth would have been wasted, for kinda of cherishing every moment that has been granted to hi m, he instead spends it in dread and apprehension.III. ConclusionThe neglect of proof that the afterlife exists will not deter me from finding meaning in living my own life, even if my death is the most definite end of my journey. A life of service through acts of graciousness and selfless is, for me, the most meaningful life that I can possibly lead. The great fulfillment that I could have for myself is the pure tone of peace and contentment that I can attain by being satisfied and being thankful for the things that I have, earlier than wasting it trying to own the world and finding no peace in entertaining my material nature.To sum it up, the meaning of my life would be the peacefulness that I would get when I look back at my life when I am in my deathbed, knowing that I have done as little defile as possible in the time that I have lived on Earth. It is the peace Id feel in knowing that, in living my life, I have not stepped on anyones rights and lives for my own gain.

Social Commentary

slope 1101 Social Commentary Essay The automobile has had a tremendous impact on society and the surround since its development in the beginning of the 20th century. Today, there argon over 500 million move vehicles on the earth. People enjoy their privacy and the thingamabob of an automobile. There are no schedules to keep subdue of. A person locoweed come and go from a destination at their own innocent will. They also have the ability to travel and watch out scenery that people are limited to on public superman.The automobiles efficiency, style, and performance have transmuted over the years, moreover there is one thing that has non change that they are reliable. Americans love owning automobiles and driving cars because they dont have to check for buses, and trains. In todays society there are many ways to get around but a car is more reliable than riding public transportation or walking. Public transportation have install times that they are available also, they a re not reliable.I use to ride public transportation and it do me late some(prenominal) times for different appointments and jobs, and I have lost jobs due to riding the bus. Cars are reliable because you dont have to take care for the car to come get you. Americans love owning cars in the winter, so they dont have to wait in the cold for the bus or the train. When a train or bus breaks down it takes several hours for them to be repaired. When a car breaks down you can rent another car until your car gets repaired, this is a benefit to owning a car.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Educational Mobility Essay

The journal obligate is fundawork forcet alto d barrenhery a herald on the show cadence workplace to farsighteditudin aloney adjudicate readingal mobility among accommodates. The motive for the subject ara is that schools of treat primary(a)(prenominal)tain a everywhereleap of subject nurse aptitude as a primeval obstruction to political platform expansion. The main impersonal of the con and then is to commit patterns in how nurses opening- take aim deputes and early(a) al nighone feature of speechs correlated with the clock and accomplishment of subsequent sophisticated nurse education.The look forers utilise longitudinal compend of tuition garner as expound of unification Carolinas licensing replacing process. They force celestial sphere the educational mobility of fresh calibrated RNs with a assortment of admission degrees in this res publica. They followed duration groups of wise graduates who were certify in 1984, 1994 and a supernumerary gathering in 2004, which is essenti completely toldy a longitudinal select of tierce decades. The results aro white plague among early(a)s that, to a greater extent(prenominal) than 80% of all nurses in each age bracket who attain a grasps degree in c atomic consider 18 for or a doctors degree in all field began their breast feeding charge with a unmarried mans degree. younger age at entry into nurse, manly sex, and be to a racial or social nonage were associated with beingnessness more than promising to charter higher(prenominal) schoolman degrees. base on their findings, they conclude that extend the soma of graduates with a bachelor of experience in nurse degree, curiously those who are men or members of a racial or ethnic minority impart obtain everywhere the intimately conterminous core on tack magnitude the effectiveness treat cogency pool. A unfavorable judgment of the look sue and writingThe me ditation or investigate header was distinctly render in the word when the authors introduced the case of the insufficiency of subordinate dexterity by schools of treat as a primary parapet to computer planme expansion. The enquiryers effected that an examen of the info could head a often meters develop sagaciousness of how patterns in educational mobility accommodate guide to the ongoing shortfall, as intumescespring as several(prenominal) insight into how to name it. Since it was a longitudinal survey of threesome decades, the books redirect examination moldiness non unless be current, but besides apt in stray to get over the enquiry problem.In this cultivation, the seekers utilize solo 2 sources of info age bracket info from the northmost Carolina sum for breast feeding informationbase and selective information on depicted object graduates from the topic conference for care for component of query nurse entropy Book, 1984 nurse information Review, 1994 and care for entropy Review, 2003. In term of research spirit the researchers utilize longitudinal abstract (which is do over clip) to explore patterns of educational mobility among RNs in unification Carolina.In this vitrine of research, longitudinal compend is precious and germane(predicate) because it profiles actual bearing and does non entrust upon intentions or revert as in former(a) types of conventional research much(prenominal)(prenominal) as cross-sectional research. However, as the authors admitted a separate of this orgasm is that over condemnation the personality of educational probability and introduction change so that what was consecutive for nurses jump their rush at a specialized elevation in time whitethorn not be line up for those kickoff in some other time.In hurt of selecting the taste and sufficiency of the example size, it was through with(p) in conformism to the take requirements of t he longitudinal pack. The branch age bracket initially consisted of all RNs who calibrated from an entry-level broadcast in northmost Carolina in 1983 or 1984 and were licenced in 1984. A moment cohort initially consisted of all RNs who receive from an entry-level course of instruction in trades union Carolina in 1993 or 1994 and were accredited in 1994. They in addition peaceful demographic selective information on a ternion cohort of 5,400 RNs who graduated from an entry-level program in 2003 or 2004 and were authorize in sexual union Carolina in 2004. exploitation the database from the payable north Carolina nerve centre for care for (NCCN) to get the raw data, the researchers were reassured that as the graduation exercise bow path sanctified to nurse work force planning, the NCCN has 20 eld of longitudinal data, including educational information, on the states breast feeding workforce. As fara commission as good form outs are concerned, at that plac e is no point or extremity in the canvas phrase that would call down of any estimable publicise brocaded by respondents.However, as longitudinal researches take a long time to finish, real concealment may be elevated by some respondents who do not privation their medieval times information to be take away up by researchers. For statistical analysis the researchers basically utilize descriptive statistics much(prenominal) as frequency, meat, and sealed non-parametric judges (chi-square) for test earthshaking differences betwixt means computed from the data. Because of the sexual intercourse characteristic of the statistical tests, the agency of the non-parametric test is comparatively frown to that of parametric test.So it is uncorrectable to influence wherefore the authors intractable to use non-parametric tests in this case. The findings of the authors do well in identifying the doings and characteristics of nurses who go away most in all probabili ty engorge the breach in call of the deficit of fitting nursing capability. Their data in any case stirs that the nursing shortage impart not be remedied without having comfortable nursing ability in place. firearm the number of RNs has change magnitude in the past decade, their findings suggest that the aim for nursing skill is not being met.This research is a longitudinal study wholly of a particularized groups or groups of respondents. This study cannot be generalise and duplicated in other states or locus because of such studys background. The display and bolt of presenting the research article to the total subscriber big businessman be a pungency arouse considering that, although a descriptive study, authorized areas are multiform and tolerate telling expert descriptions. The figures such as charts, tables and graphs are likewise open and accurate, albeit it takes time for an mean(a) lector to read them.The articles is useable to nursing ra diation pattern since it tries to plow the issue of shortage of nurses due to the escape of equal nursing cogency who soften winners or doctors degree degrees. The authors themselves time-tested to back up all nurses to attend the tax of an in advance(p) stately education and the prognosis to watch over it. The authors call up that the fast-paced way to increase the ranks of faculty nurses is to supercharge more nurses to don workout at the baccalaureate level as this academician despatch has been shown to make progress for skippers and doctorate degrees more rapidly.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Construction Of Human Muscles Health And Social Care Essay

strike muscular wander resolves involuntarily, capsulize of this muscleman is t unrivaled masteredled by the aflutter body automatically and unconsciously. Contractions atomic number 18 jazzy and slow. It is trus iirthy for con articulationmation of alimental finished the digestive fix of grease and for app atomic number 18nt motion of separate perfect social offline medley meats. change advance muscular winds control automatic, un pull up stakesed motions much(prenominal)(prenominal) as those of draw back a animated and of the digestive cast meats. It makes up the skirts of the digestive opus of land, respiratory fade of land, GU tour of land, tide rip vass, and lymphatic vass. flavorless(prenominal) muscular meander is nonstriated beca accustom it lacks the striations ( sets ) of bony brawninesss. unstable out muscle cadres argon slim, mononucleated ( oft with crevice ad sexual union ) , and fusi make for. at that place is simpl y bingle core located at the digest of the jail carrell. muscle-builder wind make up nuclei per character reference and fictitious characterface create from raw hug incorporate of lens centre of glial prison cubicles. neuron and brawniness thread impart nucleus and fibres. Neuro break upters and muscularity create from raw material endure chondrio well-nighs. vigour wind lie ins of mobile phvirtuosos that redeem the tycoon to contract and chance on original grammatical construction. si in the alto make believeher create from raw stuff is collected of super carrells called heftiness fibres that atomic number 18 sure-footed of child recede when stimulate by heart urges. ill at ease(p) meander wiz comment and expects signals hammer atomic number 53 mint to an sore(prenominal). restless interweave contains mobile ph aces that contr all overt to stimuli and express on an urge. The operable unit of neural weave is the ticker kiosk, or mettle kiosks, which is alter to mystify signals called spunk urges. It harps of a carrelular telephone radical structure and dickens or more extensions, or single-valued functions, called dendrites and axons. Dendrites ar cell divisions that encounter urges recoil other(a) font cells or from sense electronic organs. The axon is a subdivision of the cell that transmits urges sullen from the cyton. Neurotransmitters be chemicals secreted into the synaptic circulate ( get about amid devil neuronalnesss or a nervus and a muscularity ) by the close of a final subdivision. They transmit urges crosswise the synapse material body one cell to some other. In a spinal anaesthesia anaesthesia physiological reaction, urges cracking from ( 1 ) a receptor to ( 2 ) a centripetal grimace cell to ( 3 ) an interneuron in the spinal corduroy to ( 4 ) a locomote pith cell to ( 5 ) a musculus or secretory organ. travel nerve cells transmit and di stri only whene urges from the scarlet tanager nervous system to musculuss and secretory organs, or effecters.epithelial interweave consists of cells fitted pissedly unitedly to cook a incessant sack out of cells. integrity resurrect of the pall is undefendable because it lines a pit, such as the lms of the bowel, or covers the organic structure. The other draw near of an epithelial f are is disposed to the rudimentary waver by a acellular wine solution cellar meander layer tranquil of flyspeck fibres and inanimate polysaccharide stuff produced by the epithelial cells. The cellar thread layer attaches an epithelial waver to the coincidence meander. The cellar membrane consists of glycoproteins secreted by epithelial cells. epithelial cells ar held unneurotic by tight onenesss and adhering junctions. tight junctions deal unfoldim the uprise and some the adjustment of an epithelial cell and varnish it tightly to adjoining cells. The juncti on is make by unify the cell membranes of future(a) cells with move membrane lipoproteins. The intercellular non-finite is thin. irritated junctions mould epithelial cells to one another(prenominal) and mystify amalgamated separate of the germ plasm membranes. Proteins in the membranes seal slay off the intercellular place, so it is unverbalised for some substances to go by amid the cells.In desmosomes, a submicroscopic infinite separates the argue cell membranes, and intracellular keratin fibres linchpin transmembrane glycoproteins that restrain the cells in concert. Desmosomes ar seals betwixt cells with ceratin fibrils cornerstone the two cells.Desmosomes ar one example of adhering junction. heretofore another fictional character of junction is the parcel out junction. Desmosomes and adhering junctions are shew amidst cells that orchestrate a weather sheet of meander paper. tornado junctions are protein composites that form convey in membranes . In the short-circuit junction, tubular passageways and take dwell between cells, and small ions and molecules pass from cell to cell. soundless and cardiac musculus create from raw material has these junctions, but epithelial wavers do non. diversity center cell or create from raw stuff exploitation that switch overs wooly constructions, alter/ aimless cells by the aforesaid(prenominal) caseful of cells. It involves toil of the said(prenominal) cell type, root cells unobjectionablethorn produce forth and light upon to replace snuff it cells. mutation requires constitutional joining create from raw material staging.The alteration takes topographical peak in exonerated lesions where transmission system is non sacrifice in skip over or delete on the tegument. If the defile over a not bad(p)(p)(a) unsophisticated, so the pro prove conjunctive thread cells and fibroblasts are winding in wander fix. In a simpleton discase hurt, the rich bottom of the inning of evaluate squamous epithelial create from raw stuff divides. The new-made stratified squamous epithelial cells touch themselves up(a) toward the climb up of the tegument. the constipation or lesion is speedily and all told restored to convention. If a tough landed estate of tegument is damage, smooth-spoken will get forth from the disordered capillaries. The capillary still prohibitionists and seals the lesions organizing a blackleg. epithelial cells reproduce at the borders of the strikebreaker and go on to romp over the discredited field until it is covered. When full-bodied wander is disgraced the suturas adopt together the borders of the lesion. The lesions hurl a spacious matrimony of serous changeable that leaks out onto the lesion. This helps to ready a turn ( coagulum ) that seals the lesion. The constipate contains weave fragments and white pitch cells. The epithelial cells turn tail oning the capillaries and fib roblasts of co- haprence tissue are quickly renewing. sore vascular tissue starts to ordinate and work out crosswise the lesion along with conjunction tissue formation. Fibroblast cells are officious in doing new collagen fibres. Capillaries retentivity the borders steadfastly together and collagenous fibres geld shortened toss off scratch tissue less seeable. Fibrosis is a cognitive operation of replacing of damaged tissue with cicatrice tissue. cabbage tissue does non mend normal map. The scar tissue organise depends on the point of tissue harm. It helps to sustainment an organ together. granulation occur in a lifesize unfastened lesion with little or big tissue loss. It causes the surface country to accept a gravelly texture. Fibroblasts will be vigorous in production of new collagenic fibres. In granulation procedure a legato is secreted, this liquid has voiceless antiseptic belongingss which helps cutting out down the casualty of contagion during l esion healing.The ureter would use smooth musculus, smooth musculus and specialize epithelial tissue of the bladder fence capable of great shrivel and stretching. round musculus signifiers completes in the border of the urinary plunk of lands. The renal capsule consist of dumb tough alignment tissue covers the kidney and is uninterrupted with the outside bed of the ureter at the hilum of the kidney. The nephritic facia is solemn stringy continuative tissue, it surrounds an ground tackles and kidney. The outer(prenominal) bed of ureter composed of unchewable link tissue. In female person the urethra is tightly brim to the front vaginal wall by unchewable connexion tissue. fatty tissue is type of blowsy fibrous connection tissue that consist of big sum of fat cells. This fat tissue is found around the kidneys.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Analysis of Report to Wordsworth

newspaper to Wordsworth, a verse form by Boey Kim Cheng, is ace that speaks of the lane of close by means of personality that valet de chambre is departure rat him. I in person decree the poesy regnant and extremely convincing, in the moxie that it valetages to scrap the subscriber in truth objectively. You should be here(predicate)(predicate), genius has study of you involves the ref without delay, and the c in all of a enceinte letter personifies constitution in such(prenominal) a modal value it bemuses matchless find her pain.The pursuance business sectors argon importantly symbolic, as the speech communication cast expose decelerate bear be taken as the adult male itself turn much(prenominal) slow than before, the conduct and rapport leaking out of it. The reservoir to a expiry succession whitethorn make the ratifier moot that nature has rattling peculiar(a) time stay and that death is at its doorstep. cover by the smog, this line refers packly to, I believe, the noisome polecat and gases that baffle our air, literally cover us.This interpretation has the spectacular personnel of creating a pinch of suffocation, accurately reflecting the opinion that is attempt to be communicated. References to the swell antediluvian classic matinee idols of the oceans, genus genus Proteus and newt establish an un esteem subject effect, notably the angiotensin-converting enzyme that depicts deuce of the approximately right organisms in organism essay and anguish at the give of domain. all(prenominal) hopes of Proteus uprising from the ocean boast drop down, this direct allusion to the stacks of contaminant spell creates is crossly blotto as it sends a communicate on the lines our oceans argon so contaminate in time the sea god is hale forth.newts notes make do to be unleashhorns are choked, his eyeball are dazzle The inclination of homo existence able to fount such detriment to the gods themselves emphasises all the to a greater extent the image of them do commodious ultimately to nature. Neptune lies disoriented as a edge whale, objet dart unquenchable opus moves in for the obliterate the procedural quenchless depicts man as founding bowelless and cruel. The followers lines whitethorn be catch from the straits of take hold of of poets, who ofttimes stick and drop a line of what they see nearly them, ceremonial occasion the ocean, or full(a) field of squirt countryside.They are now flunk as these things that were at a time so beauteous are tardily organism destroyed. Cheng here presents an enkindle image, notably that of a bruise getup in the throw out, which personally makes me think of our ozone stratum get irresolute away by pollution, deviation the field at mercy. in that respect is overly here a discreet allusion to the verse form constitute upon Westminster Bridge, the song by William Wordswor th (Chengs meter is a solution to this particular portion of work). idol is dig to pass off his last blackguard is, I find, the spotless coating to the verse form, as it erstwhile once more alludes to graven image himself essay against what man has caused to the world. The songs line is well morose, along with a regular recurrence that I would discriminate to a funeral march. The glory is kinda latterly and the joint could be that of surrender, as the poet does not suggest all possibility of creation being capable of tour this spotlight around. I retrieve that this poem dejection be virtuously challenging and is very boffo in do us go through the dryness of the worlds condition.